D.P. - Caferina september 1959 |
The Caferina is born in 1959 and the careful design and the quality of the materials allow it to remain unchanged for many years Will be introduced later by Pavoni only changes to enhance the safety and maintenance, but the operating principle remains unchanged to this day. The model described is dated September 1959. With a beautiful blue hammered paint is in excellent condition despite its more than 50 years.
Compared to the first Europiccola only the switch is different.
The initial conditions were very good, the machine seemed never used, as can be seen from the state of the piston and the heating element. Only the c-clip was rusty.
After thorough cleaning, here is the machine ready for assembly.
group parts
power cord
And finally, here is the machine ready for use after 50 years of inactivity.
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Francesco Ceccarelli. All rights reserved. |