www.francescoceccarelli.euD.P. by Francesco



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Diamanti Piero patended on 23 april 1959 a small and compact lever machine , but capable of making an espresso like the bar

he called it "D. P. Caferina"



The type of the patent was ornamental, that means that the machine was invented by someone else and Piero Diamanti has patended only the ornamental design, with a duration of two years. After the expiry of the patent, La Pavoni acquired the patent and start within a few months the production of the most famous Europiccola.

We are in the 50s and as well as television and washing machine had been responsible for keeping the family gathered inside the house, even the first coffee machines make a further contribution to this change in the habits of the Italians.

None was able to predict the success that would come in the years to follow and that the marketing by Pavoni since 1961 with the lucky name Europiccola, caused a phenomenon unique in the world of coffee machines for domestic use, the where production continues today essentially unchanged.

The  brand D.P. is also engraved on the heating element

 it can be assumed that it was a small company specializing in the production of heating elements.

In the same year we have some machines produced under the brand Co-Fer with brand D.P. engraved on the heating element.

Compared with the best known Europiccola, the Caferina differs only for some small details, such as the switch and the lack of the serial number engraved on the group.

These machines are extremely rare given the short period of marketing.

1959 Caferina  
1959  Caferina  




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