www.francescoceccarelli.euCafeteras Nacional by Francesco



Lever Machines AL.VE. Amcor Aplimont Arin Arrarex ARTE' Bezzera Boni Bruni Campeona CELP Chic Co-Fer Comocafe Diana DP Ducale Elektra EMI FABAR FAEMA FE-AR errebi Euro Lucres Gaggia Gaggia espanola Giubel Italianstyle Jata la Cara La Cimbali La Pavoni La San Marco La Santcarlo MAEST MARCFI Micron Express Mignon Nacional Nea Lux Neowatt Olympia Par Pedretti Radaelli Raymond ROK (Presso) SAMA SOMAC Torino VE.MA.CC. Wunder Zacconi Zerowatt



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The CAFETERAS NACIONAL born in the early years of the twentieth century at Cuba, where he was the company responsible for the production of machines for espresso. After the revolution, the company sought new horizons and in 1961 began operating in Mexico with the same name. Under the leadership of its founder, C. P. Justo J. Torres Marin, was a pioneer in the popularization of espresso coffee in Mexico.

....Cafeteras Nacional, S.A. de C.V., compañía manufacturera que inicia operaciones en México en 1961. En más de cuatro décadas se ha consolidado hasta convertirse en una empresa líder en el ramo, siempre marcando la pauta en equipos para café. Cuenta con una red de Distribuidores mediante los cuales cubre totalmente el territorio mexicano, además de algunas cuentas de Centro y Sudamérica...

Has produced a only lever machines for domestic use called The Agulita, with clear references to the Italian Elektra MCL of Treviso.

This model, intended mainly for the domestic market in South America, it is extremely difficult to find. The specimen in question was purchased in France (with the help of Philippe from Paris).

  La Agulita   modello a 127 volt, in rame
  La Agulita

(ultimo modello)





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